Goal Setting: The Dos & Dont's

By Ellen Walford

At SDC we’re big on goal setting. We love seeing our collective working to achieve their goals now matter how big or small they may be. Every goal is achievable when you put your mind to it, but in case you need some help, here are a few simple dos and don’ts to goal setting.

Do create a plan. Don’t wait till ‘Monday’ - you can start planning your goals right now, sit down, write out a plan and work out how you’re going to get there. Don’t wait for ‘someday’ to come around. Start right now!

Do write it down. Don’t forget to give yourself a deadline. Deadlines are key when it comes to achieving your goals. Deadlines turn dreams into goals, and writing down your goals will keep you committed and focused.

Do track your progress. Don’t think about failure. Make sure to track your progress so you can see just how far you’ve come. Create a checklist in your journal and start ticking things off, that way you can see how far you’ve come and what you’ve achieved already!

Do find a support system. Don’t go it alone! Surround yourself with a supportive network of people that want to see you succeed. Having another person cheering you on and supporting you will give you more motivation and energy to achieve your goals.

Do start small. Don’t focus on too many things. Remember to start small and try to focus on one goal at a time. Try not to focus on too many things at once as this can be overwhelming! Work on that first small goal every day to help boost your motivation and then work your way up bigger goals.